Milling Function Keys

The following describes in general, the milling function keys.

Most milling functions can be used as one time machining operations. The BLEND key does not support single operation.

Hard Key Function

TOOL opens the SET TOOL dialogue where information regarding the tool can be entered.

RECT opens the popup menu above the Rectangle soft key. Choose the type of rectangle milling that is to be done by selecting it from the popup menu. The required dialogue will open for that choice.

CIRCLE opens the Circle popup menu above the Circle soft key. Choose the type of circle milling that is to be done by selecting it from the popup menu. The required dialogue will open for that choice.

HOLES opens the popup menu above the Hole Pattern soft key. Choose the type of hole drilling that is to be done by selecting it from the popup menu. The dialogue where information can be entered to drill a row, frame array, or a bolt circle pattern will open.

POS opens the POSITION / DRILL dialogue where information can be entered to move the table to a position in the X & Y direction.

LINE opens the MILL LINE dialogue where information can be entered to mill a line.

ARC opens the MILL ARC dialogue where information can be entered to mill an arc.

BLEND opens the BLEND dialogue while in PGM mode where information can be entered to mill an arc, blending two surfaces together. Also used for chamfer.

DRO Manual Data Input 3.1