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H.H. Roberts Machinery Limited
1324 Matheson Blvd E., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. L4W-2Z7

Replacement Milling Machine Heads.
Available for 220/1/60, 220-440/3/60 or 575/3/60 power supply
and can be interfaced to most CNC controls for programmable spindle speeds

We have 4 different milling heads available

1) an 8 or 16 speed belt change Bridgeport style head

2) a variable speed Bridgeport style head

3) an inverter Bridgeport style head with 6,000 rpm:  GL  or RG 

4) a heavy head with 5 / 7.5 Hp, #40 spindle and 6,000 rpm

Our GL head on an old Brigdeport

Showing the HH Roberts replacement milling head on a old Bridgeport milling machine
Topwell 4-GL (gearless) milling head
The 4-RG head has a back gear

#40 taper spindle arrangement
The two pictures below show standard bearings on an R-8 Bridgeport>
type machine on the right. And on the left the 4 bearing set up of Topwell's
# 40 spindle upgrade. You can see that there are 2 precision bearings at the
bottom or the R-8 spindle and a set of 3 precision bearings on the #40 spindle.
Both spindles have a standard bearing up at the top.

spindle bearings set up
spindle bearing set up

replacement milling machine heads for Bridgeport type machines
A shipment of 12 milling heads received into our shop for preparation

Parts diagram for the HH Roberts Milling head This diagram shows the moving parts in the top half of the GL head.  It is in fact a lot like today's modern machining centers with the drive train consisting of

1) the motor shaft and pulley
2) the drive belt
3) the spindle pulley and splined coupling
4) The spindle itself ( not shown ) There are about 85 fewer moving parts.

Maintenance is near zero and is normally only a replacement of the timing belt after years of service.

The RG verson of the head has a back gear pair.

Adaptor Drawings and Photos
Bridgeport sized head
dimensioned drawing
dimensioned drawing
photo #1
photo #1
photo #2
photo #2