HH Roberts Machinery Ltd logo Questions ?
Call us at 905-624-5536
asdf H.H. Roberts Machinery Limited
1324 Matheson Blvd E., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. L4W-2Z7, Fax 905-624-9065

Parts Service

We keep an extensive amount of parts in stock for machines we sold as far back as the 1950's.

The list below is an indication of the names of machines that we have at least some parts in stock for. In some cases we have parts in stock for machines made by factories that do not exist any longer.

Acu Rite  logo Acu-Rite CNC control and digital readout parts
some readout parts and CNC parts in stock -  call
All-Machine power draw bars most parts in stock
main parts list
replacement draw bar dimensions Please download and complete this form to order drawbars
anilam logo Anilam CNC and digital readout parts  
Ann Yang CNC lathes  
  CNC lathe manual Rev 2
  Variable speed lathe
Arboga drill logo Arboga drill parts  
Argo (Li Chang) milling machine parts Variable speed head mill.  These parts list will work with almost any Taiwan made Bridgeport clone.
Arnold / Fresmak hydraulic vises older models
  newer models
Autowells logo. Autowell hydraulic vise parts. common parts in stock
Baxter Verticut saw logo Baxter Bandsaws some parts in stock
Binns and Berry lathe parts some parts in stock
CDS Servo logo CDS Servo Amplifiers parts and drives in stock
Command logo Command CNC tooling and retention knobs some parts in stock
Cyclematic manual and CNC lathe parts some parts in stock
Dapra Hydra Vise parts earlier models
  newer models
Do-All radial arm drills some of these were made by Soraluce.   See Soraluce below.  Some parts in stock
Do-All turret milling machines Bridgeport clones made by Yeong Chin  See Yeong Chin or Supermax below.
Ecoca Lathe parts some parts in stock
Eguro_CNC_Lathe_logo Eguro CNC lathe parts some parts in stock
Enterprise lathe parts many parts in stock
Erlo drill logo Erlo drill parts many parts in stock
Fagor logo Fagor CNC and digital readout parts and service  
Fanuc logo Fanuc CNC boards, motors, fuses etc many boards and motors in stock, see   Fanuc Parts
Fresmak hydraulic vise parts most parts in stock
  earlier models
  later models
Fu-Hu bandsaws logo Fuho Band Saws and welders parts in stock.
Hansford die handler parts parts available on short notice.
Heidenhain digital readouts and CNC parts some parts in stock
Feeler CNC machines logo Feeler CNC machine parts some parts in stock, non stocked parts for virtually everyting else available by Fed Ex
Feeler lathes logo Feeler Hardinge style lathe parts some parts in stock.  Feeler stopped making the Hardinge clones several years ago.  Some of the staff from Feeler
then started their own production of these machines and can supply us with parts for the original Feelers.
You can see the products from the new company on our Cyclematic pages  Click Here
fexac logo Fexac milling machines some parts in stock
Forte bandsaws some parts in stock,  friction rings, fibre gears, blade wheels and guids.
Freeport surface grinders some parts in stock ( made by Sunny Machinery Taiwan )
Geminis lathe parts some parts in stock
Grob bandsaw parts and guides most parts in stock
Grob band filing machine parts and file chains some parts and file chains in stock
HMT lathes, milling machines and radial drills some parts in stock, almost all others available from the factory
Heidenhain logo Heidenhain CNC and digital readouts some parts in stock
Hi-Torque power draw bars most parts in stock
main parts list
replacement draw bar dimensions Please download and complete this form to order drawbars
Holke milling machine parts some parts in stock
Huron milling machine parts some parts in stock
Icoca lathe parts some parts in stock
IMA drill press logo IMA drill press parts  
Imet Circular Saw parts some parts in stock
Record cut of saw parts some parts in stock
Kent-USA milling machine parts most of these were made by Topwell   See Topwell below.   Most parts in stock
Kirloskar lathe parts  
Leadwell CNC machine parts and service  
Lio Shing Lathe Turrets for CNC lathes used on many Taiwan CNC lathes including Leadwell, Hardinge, YAM and Feeler
MMK chucks master jaws, hard top jaws, soft jaws and seal kits for MMK hydrualic chucks ... in stock
Maxi-Torque power draw bar replacement draw bars, parts and complete units in stock
Mazak, Yam, Yamazaki and Rex Lathes gears, shafts and electromagnetic brakes and clutches
Mega bandsaw logo Mega saw parts many parts in stock
Mep Circular parts many parts in stock
Metora horizontal band saw parts some parts in stock
Okuma logo Okuma lathes ( old manual LS series only) parts

Rebuild kits in stock - click here for contents
some parts in stock
Ona EDM parts ciruit boards etc for ONA EDM machines in stock
Ortlinghaus clutches, plates and fingers some parts in stock ( mostly lathe clutches and brakes )
Pragati CNC lathe turrets tool holders, encoder, wedges etc in stock, bearings and seals in stock
SEM servo motors SEM motors and parts are now difficult to get.  They are out of production in the UK.
we have a few parts left, some motors and occasionally some rebuilt motors and  equivalent motors
Solberga drill logo Solberga Drills (Sweden) some parts in stock

most parts manuals are on line
Soraluce Radial drill parts some common parts in our stock, we can put the parts manuals on line as required.
Strands drill logo Strands Drills  ( Sweden) some parts in stock
most parts manuals are on line
Strong chucks logo "STRONG" hydraulic power lathe chucks we have several sizes of STRONG hydraulic lathe chucks and operating cylinders in stock
and seal kits for the cylinders.
Steco section bender parts some parts in stock
THK Linear ball bearing slideways and rails

THK linear guides model HSR45LR2ssCOE
4 sets of THL LM Linear Guides, 48" with 2 cars each.
model HSR45LR2SSCOE+1200LP-II
Topwell Mill logo Topwell milling machine parts most parts in stock
  3-GL and RG
  4-GL and RG
  5-GL and RG
Topwell Mill logo Verticut bandsaw parts some parts in stock
Webb milling machine parts see our Topwell milling machine parts lists
Yam lathes and machining centers
(Yang Iron) parts
some parts in stock
Yamazen 5BVK knee mills most parts in stock.  These mills were made by Topwell.