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Call us at 905-624-5536
H.H. Roberts Machinery Limited
1324 Matheson Blvd E., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. L4W-2Z7

Saw Selection Page

Mega Semi-automatic, Full automatic, CNC and mitre cutting saws
now avaiable with variable speed
Baxter Verticut roll-in style band saw

Verticut Roll-in Style Bandsaw
Mega swivel base miter cutting bandsaw

Mega swivel base, cuttingmitre Automatic and CNC saws
Mega automatic bandsaw

BS series automatic saws
Mega automatic and CNC bandsaws
Mega Mitre cutting bandsaw
Mega mitre cutting series,
Semi-auto, fully auto and CNC

Mega twin column bandsaw
Mega Twin Column Automatic and
CNC Saws. 

Fuho Vertical Bandsaws, Block and Billet Saws
Fuho economical band saws
fuho band saws with table feed
Fuho VBS bandsaws 14" and 16" throats
The 14" model is stock in 120 Volt
Fuho 14 to 36" saws with power feed tables.
20" throat machine coming for stock
Fuho saw band blade welders
Fuho Saw band blade welders

Grob Toolroom and Vertical Bandsaws,  Friction cutting bandsaws
Notice to Grob Saw users:

Health and safety inspectors have been demanding fast stop braking systems on band saws with high blade speeds.
We have developed a couple of solutions for retro-fit.
Grob 4V18 toolroom bandsaw

we have used Grob 18" & 24" saws in stock
Grob 4V36 contouring bandsaw

we have a used Grob 36" saw available
Grob 6V36 friction cutting universal bandsaw
36" throat, 20" high, 15,000 FPM|
Grob toolroom bandsaws: 18",  24" and  36"
varialble speed drive up to 5,000 ft per minute,
work feed, tilt table, welder, chip blower etc.
Grob 6V36
 15 Hp Friction Cutting Bandsaw
. Ideal for stainless and other hard cutting materials.